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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Be more productive by sending feedback to colleagues or collaborators from the other side of the world. You can use your mobile device to export and import feedback for AutoCAD or send comments directly to a web address.Improved UI and enhanced functionality:A new look and feel. Clean and intuitive, the new interface now provides improved productivity with the focus on tasks.A new animation system: Smooth transitions and animations enhance the user experience. Dynamic changes on-the-fly, such as moving toolbars, or fast alternate between CAD tools, are just a few of the new features in the animation system.A new drawing and exporting functionality: Use the latest advancements in dynamic techniques to enhance the quality of the final drawings. Multiple page support, outlines, and more are just some of the new features that give you the power to further customize your drawings.This release also features new toolbars, palettes, and screen options.Key new features:Paint Bucket Tool and Overlay Features. The Paint Bucket tool can now be used to move objects around on the screen or to scale them with the Overlay feature. The tool and feature are new in AutoCAD 2023.Multi-page drawing support. Save time and design multiple drawings in one file, using one or more CAD layers. (video: 1:30 min.)Extensive viewing and importing options:Save time and design in multiple file formats: In addition to PDF, PNG and BMP, you can now also import other applications into AutoCAD such as IDEs and Visio.Add annotations to your drawings. Type, mark up, or draw your notes on a new, floating annotation pane. (video: 1:07 min.)Improve document-level collaboration and workflows. Easily exchange comments, drawings, or reviews between other applications such as a text editor, mail, or drawing applications.Improvement in the annotation interface:Easily resize annotations and select colors to easily change text and shapes. (video: 1:03 min.)Enhancements for the precision and functionality of dimensioning:Dimensioning can now be based on an exact decimal value. Add values such as ¼ or 1/8 to dimension values.The Dimension tool enables a quick construction of dimensions.Annotations and dimension features are new in AutoCAD 2023 2be273e24d


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